We are a specially recognized Charity Association – Non-Profit (Law 272/92, Deputy Prefect No. 13758 / 18-9-95) Government Gazette 1023 / b / 11-11-96. We belong to the National Register of Voluntary Organizations with no. 13417SYN12046038N.
For 23 years of uninterrupted operation, KEFMAAAA hosts children with cerebral palsy – spastic quadriplegia and severe mental retardation (many children who can not be accommodated in any other structure in the county) focusing on the child .
We are proud to have been awarded the President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Stephanopoulos, as the best Social Structure in Chania, after the vote of the journalists of the prefecture of Chania (we got 53 votes out of 53 votes in total).
There is a very good cooperation with all the Institutions and the Prefecture of Kavala, KEFAAAA has been approved as an internship framework by the Department of Social Sciences, School of SEYP since 2006. An important effort is also made and on the part of the awareness and participation of the local community, especially through the very good cooperation we have with Schools, Public and Private of all levels.
KPHAEA is a non-profit-making non-profit-making NGO, not subsidized by the Greek government, but has stable funding from children’s insurance funds in terms of monthly operating expenses as a whole. Of course all these years of operation we have our own Hanioan fellow citizens, whose donations are a major source of income and help in the operation of our Center, but apart from the economic part we provide the most important moral support and strength to continue our work.
We currently host 20 children and operate daily from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm and Saturdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.